Writings on the Constitutional Law of the Church
Table of Contents
1. An All-Absorbing Faith
2. An Ecclesial Faith
3. A Missionary Faith
4. “Communio” and Evangelization
(Arturo Cattaneo)
1. Law in the Service of Communion
2. Consequences for Canonical Methodology
I. The Church, Sacrament of the Trinity
II. The Theology of the Local Church: Communion
1. The Idea of the Church
2. Synods
3. The Function of the Bishop
III. The Theology of the Universal Church
1. The Concept of the Church
2. Synods
3. The Function of the Bishop
IV. The Reform of Vatican II
1. The Council’s Ecclesiology.
2. The Collegial Structure
3. The Function of the Bishop
II. Sacra Potestas As Found in the New Code
1. Sacra Potestas in the Sacramental Context
2. Sacra Potestas in the Extra-Sacramental Context
3. Reform Marked by Juridical Positivism
I. The Epistemological Structure of the Code
II. Reception of the Ecclesiological Contents of Vatican II
1. The Faithful in General
2. The Laity
3. Communio Hierarchica
4. Sacra Potestas
III. Conclusion
I. The Ecclesiology of ‘Societas’
II. The Ecclesiology of Communio
I. Synodality, Conciliarity, Collegiality
1. The Terminological “Impasse” and the Underlying Misunderstanding
2. The Doctrinal Embarrassment of Vatican II and the First Clarifications
3. The Confirmation of the Historical Analysis
II. The Synodal Dimension of Episcopal Ministry
1. The Dynamics of the Reciprocal Immanence of its Constitutive Elements as the Essential Nucleus of the “Communio”
2. The Reciprocal Immanence Between the Personal and the Synodal Dimension of the Episcopal Ministry
3. The Sacramental Root of this Reciprocal Immanence
4. Two Different Modalities for the Realization of Apostolicity
III. The Principal Institutional Forms of Synodality
1. From the Ecumenical Council to the Conferences of Bishops
2. The Function of the Deliberative and Consultative Vote in the Exercise of Synodality
IV. Conclusions